
Proven Experience

Our Mission

We help our clients in the development of LEED projects in any of its forms, both in office buildings, residential, business and hospitals. We started with the first steps of needs analysis,  follow with all phases of the project until the finish with the delivery of the installations to the end user.


LEED Projects: Education and Knowledge


Sustainability is a social demand that every time you enter more in the development of projects of buildings and installations. LEED provides a practice methodology which leads to a raise the projects quality. The more than a hundred years of use of radiological technique for medical purposes have allowed effectiveness, contrasted by the continuous increase of the demand. History defines it in a word: growth.

 We are walking on a firm path to new ways to carry out both general how hospital buildings projects and also the projects of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy facilities, based on improving the existing systems by defining high degrees of sustainability. This is changing the form of organization of the design teams and how to carry out the projects, construction and facilities management.