Plannig & Design
Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy Departments
A book for professionals of the Planning and Design of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy facilities

Radiologists, Radiation Oncologists, Physical, Architects, Engineers, Imaging Technicians, Nurses, are the first users that can enjoy this book.
Manager, Directors, Administrators, Planners of Outpatients Centers, Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations will have a support for their daily tasks.
All of them will find a answer to the questions that present today the evolution of their facilities and allow to face saccecfyulli the challenges of the new technology introduction .

Dr. Madrid, Ginés
The book presented by the author, "Planning and design of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy departments ", collects his extensive and rich professional experience and covers a space a huge utility, and essential not only for architects and planners in healthcare but, above all, for radiologists, answering questions classic which do, how to do and what to do

Dr. Burgueño, Antonio
(Hospitals Manager)
It is a book, made for professionals of radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy. It is essential for anyone who is engaged in the design of hospitals, those who perform management tasks and those who obviously have the responsibilities to invest in these services.

Dr. Esteban. Josep
(Healthcare Planner)
Defined the planning, the design of health care resources is focused on optimum realization of architectural projects and engineering solutions in the more effective way, sustainable and beautiful that allows to us its construction, installation of the equipment and commissioning operations. So, the planning in healthcare is the highway of the knowledge applied to the availability of resources.
An indispensable professional reference book
The author

Industrial Engineer, graduate in Business Management and Marketing has developed all of its professional activity in the electromedicine field. He began with the development of the first three-phase generator of x-rays produced in Spain, and presented at the World Congress of Radiology in the year 1973, and continued his professional activity in the field of commercial and planning action at the various multinational companies. His interest in the planning and design of facilities has been a constant throughout his extensive professional experience. He has numerous works related to all aspects of planning and design of diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy departments, as well as for its calculation procedures and the requirements to establish costs, profitability and (Plandis software) business plans. These works are published and can be seen in the pages of content in the web site of the Foundation Signo (

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Author: J.A. GarciaPublished by DIEGO MARIN EDITOR
490 pages with hard cover and jacket
Now also in eBook
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Book purchase (cartone-spanish 95 euros): info@alrad.esBook gratis download (english)